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A remote control application for w3juke

The w3juke-helper program works as a remote control for the w3juke program. This makes it easy to pause w3juke from a screenlock program, or to cause songs to be played by clicking on them in a web browser. More advanced setups, such as tying pausing to a function key on your keyboard are left as an exercise to the hacker.


w3juke-helper [-r] [-n] [-x ext] [-S remote-socket-name] [-D mime-type] filename [more filenames]

If the filenames end in .m3u or -x m3u is used as an argument to w3juke-helper, the file is opened and parsed as an m3u file. The w3juke program will be asked to play the each of the songs listed in the m3u file. Otherwise w3juke is requested to play the files passed on w3juke-helper's command line.


Randomise the order of the songs before sending them to w3juke.
Normally w3juke is instructed to stop what it is playing, and to start the new songs right away. With -n w3juke's play queue is not emptied and the current song is not skipped.
-x ext
Files are treated as if the ended with the suffix ext rather then whatever extension they actually have. This is most useful for use with web browsers that don't take proper care when naming temporary files.
-s remote-socket-name
Use remote-socket-name rather then the default of /tmp/$USER-remote-control to contact w3juke.
-D mimetype
Convert the file contents into a data URL with a MIME type of mimetype before passing it to w3juke. This is one (grossly inefficient) way to avoid problems caused by web browsers deleting downloaded MP3 files after w3juke-helper has exited, but before w3juke has opened them.


No way to request pause/unpause yet (use the socketecho program for now).

For backwards compatibility if the first argument matches the expected socket name, and there are only two arguments, the argument is ignored.

There is no good way to make w3juke-helper wait for all it's files to be played (or at least opened) before it exits. That makes it difficult to use with web browsers that delete the files promptly. The -D option is a rather large and unwieldy hammer (aka: a kludge) to deal with this problem.

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$Date: 2001/09/26 17:13:31 $